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DOG TRAINER COVENTRY – Dogs and rainy walk days

                                                 Dog’s and Bad Weather Walks

In some cases, dogs will have to be walked in all weathers as they may live in high rise flats with no garden, or the dog might not eliminate in the garden area.

In Most cases though, must we really walk the dog in heavy rain etc? It is not essential the dog has to be religiously walked; in most cases we can give the dog their needs through play and enrichment. During walks for example a dog can receive enrichment through sniffing for 20 minutes which is mentally as tiring as walking for 3 miles, so often I see owners cursing the dog for sniffing and ruining the walk, personally I encourage sniffing by throwing kibble into the long grass and asking my dog to GO SNIFF!

                                                                             Brain Games

By getting the dog to think and work things out is an excellent way of providing enrichment for the missed walk, snuffle mats, lick pads, chewy raw bones, kong toys, puzzle games/food dispensers all supply much needed enrichment.

Of course games such as tug and hunt the treat are all great enriching fun the dog will enjoy.

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