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DOG TRAINER COVENTRY – Bringing New Puppy Home

After we’ve patiently waited the two to three weeks until the new Fur Baby arrives, the big day is here and off in the car to fetch them. All is well to begin because puppy is having lots of attention and play so quite happy to interact with you and forget about their pack mates back at the breeders house, but now bedtime arrives and suddenly the realisation of being alone hits hard!. The old fashioned way of ignoring the dog is not an option for me! the first night is allowing the puppy to be near you, after all he has had the company of up to a dozen pack mates to cuddle up to, then suddenly it’s time to go solo. Obviously this is not going to go well!. Set up the dogs bed near to your so you can comfort them and re assure if you are going to use a crate then you need to crate train first ( see my blog on crate training) over a period of 2/3 weeks start to move the dog further away from you until after an unspecified time the puppy will become habituated and happy to be at a distance from you. Finally we can close the door between you and the puppy, time wise will vary between puppies but never rush, just take your time and move slowly forward. Ignoring the dog to deal with the isolation can cause unnecessary anxiety which can lead to chewing and soiling in the bedding area, and obviously howling and barking.

if you would like to learn more on the subject then visit