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Crate Training

Introducing your dog to a crate can be very advantageous to both the dog and the owner, it keeps the dog safe and away from mischief at certain times, for example housework (vacuum chasing) or we may be getting into some D.I.Y and using dangerous chemicals like paint stripper etc. The obvious advantage is to stop the dog from chewing furnishings when left alone.

Use of the crate also helps with the dogs confidence whilst we are away from the house on a quick trip to the shops. By making the crate a great place/den the dog will come to love his/her special place with comfy bed and all the favourite chewy toys he can handle, to make it a special place we can cover with a good blanket over the top and three sides, or maybe the dog will prefer total cover. In here they will feel safe and secure in their own space with nothing more to worry about but the confines of his den.

Crate training

To begin training start with the crate door fully open, lay down at the side and position half you upper body inside the crate, play games with their favourite toy and encourage them to enter the crate freely with the option of walking out if they want to. Use positive Reinforcement to reward the dog for entering the crate. Next kneel down beside the crate and throw food reward into the crate and encourage the dog to enter and take the food, again allowing the dog to leave if he wants to.

When the dog happily enters the crate then close the door half way each time still allowing the dog to leave, when he is happy with this close the door fully but don’t lock it. Use positive reinforcement continuously to reward the desired behaviour, if the dog wants to leave then let them.

When the dog remains calm then begin bolting the door leave them 1 minute then release all the time praising them. As soon as we can build the time up to 10 minutes begin to cover using positive reinforcement at all times. eventually we can build the time up over a week, make sure you add the dog’s enrichment toys or bone. At any time the dog becomes upset then release immediately

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