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Toilet/House Clean Training

In most cases dogs can be trained house clean within a 14 day period, we only need to give the dog clear messages that this is where we go. Frequently, being a home boarder, dog’s regularly come into the house and eliminate (much to the horror of their owners who say they never do this at home) this is because they simply don’t know where to go. I try to take dog’s into the garden and reinforce the compliance with positive reinforcement, this is basically the same as toilet training a puppy.

The key to success is to set a timer on your phone for 1 hour, when the timer rings Just walk the dog into the garden armed with food reward, the dog eliminates we reward, simple as ABC. If the dog eliminates in the house then say NO and take them straight into the garden-this is an important message – NOT HERE OUTSIDE!, NEVER PUNISH! just ensure a thorough clean up with good dog friendly disinfectant, If we punish the dog then they may become scared to eliminate in front of you which can result in not going in front of you in the garden because he has been told it’s bad to poop, in which case they will find somewhere secret like behind the sofa.

Training Mats

I do not recommend the use of training mats as by using them we have to train twice, first we tell the dog good boy this is where we go and then a week later, well actually no it’s not, how confusing is this. Without doubt by cutting out the middle part and ditching the mats the whole process becomes learned much quicker

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